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The Contently Driven Podcast Episode 20

Episode #20

Ease The Pressure on Yourself

Do you think you’re not there yet?

If so, then in this episode, you’ll learn to stop being in a hurry and soften the pressure you put on yourself.

You feel the pressure because of the unrelenting expectations you’ve set for yourself.

You may not even be aware, but if you often feel heavy, pressured or overwhelmed, you probably have high standards for yourself.

In this episode, you’ll discover why you have so much pressure on yourself, where you feel pressure inside your body and how you can have guilt-free downtime.

Easing pressure does not mean producing or doing less.

It means it’s possible to do all the things while being kind to yourself.

Discover more in this episode.


Ease The Pressure on Yourself

Learn how to get all the things done but still be kind to yourself.

It is possible to create more free time and maintain your succsess and commitments.

If you’re unsure that you put pressure on yourself, then you’ll discover where you feel the sensation inside your body

(5:35 seconds)

Grab chapter one of my book here 
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